A History of Czech Section
The first steps of the International Police Association in former ČSFR (the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic) started by establishing contacts with German police. As early as in spring 1990 friendly relations with the members of the German section of IPA from Deggendorf and Nabburg were created; Czech police officers mainly from Klatovy, Cheb and later from other places of our republic became associated members. The largest number of associated members was registered with the liaison office in Deggendorf, the body, which had been created under auspices of Federal Border Police (BGS).
An important milestone was the meeting of members from Cheb and Klatovy, in which the Preparative IPA Committee, later transformed into the Czechoslovak Section of IPA was established, its seat being Cheb, a place that ideally represented new links between West and East.
On 11 July 1991 the Czechoslovak Section of IPA was officially registered with the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. Its field of activity was determined to be the whole territory of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. The registration was preceded by the activities of members from Klatovy and Cheb, who had sent to all three Ministers of the Interior of that time materials including all due proposals necessary for the establishing IPA on the common territory of ČSFR. The registration was followed by the first session of police officers from both republics in Brno in September of the same year. In addition to the connection with the Preparative Committee, members exchanged contact addresses of colleagues from Moravia, Slovakia and Bohemia.
In spring 1992 the constituent Congress in Cheb officially established the Czechoslovak Section of IPA. Members from other countries, most of them our German friends, were present. At that time the section comprised 120 associated and other members.
The first territorial group of IPA in ČSFR was established in Klatovy in May 1992. The first president of the common section was Mr Pavel Běloch from Cheb. Under his baton, with close collaboration with the German management of IPA, the Czechoslovak Section was internationally recognised on 6 November 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. Since then the connections of our section have expanded into lots of forms both within Europe and other parts of the world.
The next chapter of development emerged after the split of Czechoslovakia in 1993. The two independent bodies – the Czech Section of IPA and the Slovak Section of IPA – were then established.
Despite initial difficulties we look to the future with optimism. There we would like to find ways of more active and more dynamic work of all members and more substantial support from both service and departmental management of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.
We express our gratitude (without any flattering) to our colleagues from the opposite side of our common border in Šumava region for their help and for enabling mutual cooperation during our first timid steps of the Czechoslovak and later the Czech Section on the thin ice of international developments.
We do hope that during the seeking and strengthening the existence and individuality of the Czech state, irrespective of the nationalities, we will find a common language expressed not only in the Esperanto idea ‘SERVO PER AMIKECO’, but also within the spirit of global police solidarity.
Present time
The Czech section presently comprises 30 regional groups and has been fully embedded in international structures. You will find more information about the Czech Section and about contacts on individual regional groups on: